

Danielle is from Butler, PA, but moved to New England in the year 2000. She started her career as a Quality Control scientist after getting a science degree from Penn State, but left that field after 10 years to work with her husband at his privately-owned company. After nine years of being behind a desk, she decided that she would pursue her dream of spending more time with dogs, while still working at the family company.

Danielle has also lived in North Carolina where she and her husband (Brian) volunteered at a dog shelter every weekend. There, she learned to whisper “you’re my favorite” into every dog’s ear she meets.

Danielle is a life-long animal lover and has several pets including Floyd (dog), Fluffy (guinea pig), Ben (free-range bunny), five chickens (NumNum, Kuro, Squishy, Sassy and Mitch) and four bee hives. She also has two children who love their pets more than anything.