Coronavirus & Your Walks with BlueDog
With the recent concerns of Coronavirus, we wanted to reach out to you all to let you know what BlueDog is doing to take precautions for you and our team.
With the recent concerns of Coronavirus, we wanted to reach out to you all to let you know what BlueDog is doing to take precautions for you and our team.
Because of the heat wave we’re currently experiencing, Facebook decided to put together a list of who they think has the worst hot weather jobs. Turns out dog walkers have made that list! Sure, it’s hot out there, really hot. But I’ll be honest, I’ve been having a blast walking Read More
I hear it over and over again, the constant exclamations of how lucky I must be to be to spend every day walking dogs. And I have to agree, my walkers and I are very lucky! And what makes it even better are the fantastic dogs that we walk. There’s Read More
The 4th of July is one of my favorite holidays. My family of nine 2-legged members and seven 4-legged members pack into my parent’s cozy, little lake house for a weekend of cookouts, canoeing, swimming, and water skiing. But nothing beats The Big Event, when my hubby, brother, and brother-in-law Read More
I know, it’s a crazy thing to say. How could someone who spends every single day training and walking dogs ever wish she didn’t have a job? I should love my job! Well, I’ll let you in on a little something. I do love my job! I love every moment Read More
Throughout the years, as I’ve worked with people and their dogs, I’ve found that we’ve become increasingly dependent on the leash. The latest and greatest collars, harnesses, and head halters are making us even more hooked on that six foot piece of fabric that connects us to our pups. I Read More
Ok, so I know rain isn’t the best subject right now. But let’s remember – rain means green grass and blooming flowers! And after probably the longest dog-walking-winter I’ve yet to experience, I’ll take the rain if it results in more signs of spring! And my favorite sign of spring Read More
Many of you know what it’s like. It’s a beautiful spring day (you’ll have to use your imagination!) The birds are singing, children are playing, people are out for a jog. You decide to enjoy the nice weather like everyone else, and why not bring along your lovable pup! So Read More
So I’m going to let you in on a little secret. Just to warn you, this is total proof of what a geek I am. But I’ll tell you anyways. I really like cows. I think they’re awesome. I don’t know if it’s their gentle disposition, their quirky curiosity, or Read More
If there was a slot machine that never had a winner, would you play it? How about one that always had a winner? And what about those slot machines on which you occasionally win. Which would you pick? Sounds like an easy decision, right? Well our dogs certainly think so! Read More